Inter-Patient ECG Heartbeat Classification with Temporal VCG Optimized by PSO


Gabriel Garcia, Gladston Moreira, David Menotti, and Eduardo Luz. 2017. “Inter-Patient ECG Heartbeat Classification with Temporal VCG Optimized by PSO.” Scientific Reports, 7, 1, Pp. 10543.


Classifying arrhythmias can be a tough task for a human being and automating this task is highly desirable. Nevertheless fully automatic arrhythmia classification through Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals is a challenging task when the inter-patient paradigm is considered. For the inter-patient paradigm, classifiers are evaluated on signals of unknown subjects, resembling the real world scenario. In this work, we explore a novel ECG representation based on vectorcardiogram (VCG), called temporal vectorcardiogram (TVCG), along with a complex network for feature extraction. We also fine-tune the SVM classifier and perform feature selection with a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Results for the inter-patient paradigm show that the proposed method achieves the results comparable to state-of-the-art in MIT-BIH database (53% of Positive predictive (+P) for the Supraventricular ectopic beat (S) class and 87.3% of Sensitivity (Se) for the Ventricular ectopic beat (V) class) that TVCG is a richer representation of the heartbeat and that it could be useful for problems involving the cardiac signal and pattern recognition.